⚠️ Please note that the feature to set a custom domain for your embedded widget is currently only available to a limited audience. If you are interested in this feature, please contact us for more information.

  1. Visit Settings

  2. Click on the “Advanced” Tab

  3. Click on “Add Custom Domain”

  4. Type in the domain that you want your embedded iframe to point to, and click save

  5. Follow the instructions given to you on adding CNAME and A records to your DNS

  6. Once you have added the relevant DNS records, you can click on “Verify” to verify that the DNS records are available

    1. If you have trouble with this step, reach out to us and we can assist you!

    Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 15.19.04.png

  7. Once verified, the state of your domain should reflect the “Verified” status

    Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 15.23.38.png

  8. You can now go to Dashboard > Embed Chatbot to website, and change the Domain to your newly added custom domain. Paste the new embed script and the iframe of the embedded chatbot widget will now point to your custom domain!

    Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 15.25.27.png